Thursday, April 3, 2008

day twenty-three: artsy+crafty

I like living in Seattle, even though lot of artsy crafty young people are departing towards Portland or Austin, Buenos Aires even. But really, I can use the leg room, and D and I are pretty good at joining revivals. So I'm anxious to see where the city goes, and when things turn around again will I, then firmly in my thirties, choose to care?

Speaking of artists, here's my birthday present from D for my thirtieth. I didn't know what I wanted, nice sheets with a high thread count, or a thick, 80's digital watch with a velcro band, or feather on a roach clip for my hair (like the ones carnies wear!) were all the gift ideas I could think of. But then I saw this painting by Aaron Tucker, an old acquaintance from Indiana, and took the plunge. I love how it's just bright enough, but all quivery.

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