I went to a typography workshop today. The typographer lectured on how using and reading fonts is all about understanding figure and ground. "We read the rhythm of letters," he said. "It's about the spacing in between letters."

Which reminded me that I used to be more conscious of things like how the end isn't half as important as the means.
If my twenties were about descension, my thirties better the hell be about ascending.

I intuitively understand the rhythm of reading t-w-e-n-t-y more than t-h-i-r-t-y

Growing up, my dad would always talk about taking it "a day at a time" which seemed impractical to me. Because if you were going to live, it had to look like a connected line and not a bunch of bits and pieces. But now I understand what he was saying--it's about how each day relates to the next that builds into days, weeks, and decades, and that's why single Mondays are as important as whole Marches or Mays.
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